In-Editor Config

In-Editor Config (or Workspace Config) will integrate with the config system of your editor to configure ZLS on a per-editor basis.

Some editors (like VS Code) also allow workspace-specific configuration. If you want to share the same configuration across multiple editors, please refer to the zls.json alternative.

Supported Editors

Editor in-editor config support
VS Code Yes
Sublime Text Yes
ZigBrains for JetBrains Limited*
Helix Yes
Zed Yes
Neovim with nvim-lspconfig Yes
Vim/Neovim with CoC Yes
Vim/Neovim with YCM Yes**
Emacs with eglot Yes
Emacs with lsp-mode Yes
Kate Yes

* Only a subset of config options are available.

** In-Editor configuration is somewhat tedious to setup for this Editor. You may favor the zls.json alternative.