Conquer of Completion (CoC)

In Editor Configuration: Supported

Code Action On Save: Supported

  1. Install CoC
  2. Install zig.vim
  3. Install jsonc.vim (optional, so that comments in json are not highlighted as errors)
  4. place the following snippet in your coc-settings.json (open it using :CocConfig)
  5. place the following snippet in your init.lua / init.vim / .vimrc
// coc-settings.json
  // All nested settings will only affect Zig files.
  "[zig]": {
    // enable format-on-save from CoC + ZLS
    // Formatting with ZLS matches `zig fmt`.
    // The Zig FAQ answers some questions about `zig fmt`:
    "coc.preferences.formatOnSave": true,

    // Show inlay hints in the editor. Inlay hints are short annotations within the code,
    // which show variable types or parameter names.
    // "inlayHint.enable": true,
    // Use the language server to perform code highlighting
    "semanticTokens.enable": true

  "languageserver": {
    "zls": {
      // use `"command": "zls"` if `zls` is in your PATH
      "command": "/path/to/zls_executable",
      "filetypes": [ "zig", "zon" ],
      // There are two ways to set config options:
      //   - edit your `zls.json` that applies to any editor that uses ZLS
      //   - set in-editor config options with the `settings` field below.
      // Further information on how to configure ZLS:
      "settings": {
        // Whether to enable build-on-save diagnostics
        // Further information about build-on save:
        // "zls.enable_build_on_save": true,

        // omit the following line if `zig` is in your PATH
        "zls.zig_exe_path": "/path/to/zig_executable"
-- init.lua

-- don't show parse errors in a separate window
vim.g.zig_fmt_parse_errors = 0
-- disable format-on-save from `ziglang/zig.vim`
vim.g.zig_fmt_autosave = 0
" init.vim or .vimrc

" don't show parse errors in a separate window
let g:zig_fmt_parse_errors = 0
" disable format-on-save from `ziglang/zig.vim`
let g:zig_fmt_autosave = 0

Code Actions on save


  pattern = {"*.zig", "*.zon"},
  command = "call CocActionAsync('fixAll')"
autocmd BufWritePre *.zig,*.zon call CocActionAsync('fixAll')



The source.organizeImports code action is available since ZLS 0.14.0-dev.188+2be424de5.

  pattern = {"*.zig", "*.zon"},
  command = "call CocActionAsync('organizeImport')"
autocmd BufWritePre *.zig,*.zon call CocActionAsync('organizeImport')