In Editor Configuration: Supported
Code Action On Save: Supported
Zed will automatically install the latest tagged release of ZLS. The tagged release will not be compatible with Zig nightly.
Add the following to your settings.json
"languages": {
"Zig": {
// Formatting with ZLS matches `zig fmt`.
// The Zig FAQ answers some questions about `zig fmt`:
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/wiki/FAQ
"format_on_save": "language_server",
// Make sure that zls is the primary language server
"language_servers": ["zls", "..."],
"code_actions_on_format": {
// Run code actions that currently supports adding and removing discards.
// "source.fixAll": true,
// Run code actions that sorts @import declarations.
// "source.organizeImports": true,
"lsp": {
"zls": {
"binary": {
// omit the following line if `zls` is in your PATH
"path": "/path/to/zls_executable",
// There are two ways to set config options:
// - edit your `zls.json` that applies to any editor that uses ZLS
// - set in-editor config options with the `initialization_options` field below.
// Further information on how to configure ZLS:
// https://zigtools.org/zls/configure/
"initialization_options": {
// Whether to enable build-on-save diagnostics
// Further information about build-on save:
// https://zigtools.org/zls/guides/build-on-save/
// "enable_build_on_save": true,
// omit the following line if `zig` is in your PATH
"zig_exe_path": "/path/to/zig_executable",