View Logs


A non-debug build of ZLS will not report debug logs (by default) and stack traces when ZLS crashes.

It is recommended to building from source without -Doptimize to include more verbose log messages.


Run zls env and then look for the log_file property:

 "version": "0.14.0-dev.50+3354fdcb",
 "global_cache_dir": "/home/anon/.cache/zls",
 "global_config_dir": "/etc/xdg",
 "local_config_dir": "/home/anon/.config",
 "config_file": null,
 "log_file": "/home/anon/.cache/zls/zls.log"

The logs can then be found in /home/anon/.cache/zls/zls.log. You can configure which logs should be included with the --log-file flag. A debug build of ZLS will include all logs by default.

Please note that ZLS will not empty the file when restarting but always append logs instead. The log file will not contain stack traces when ZLS crashes. Use Editor logs when the stack trace should be included.

Use Editor logs

Code Editor Instructions Notes
Visual Studio Code Bottom Panel -> Output -> Zig Language Server requires the ziglang.vscode-zig extension
Sublime Text LSP: Toggle Log Panel requires the LSP package
JetBrains IDE with ZigBrains Start the editor through the terminal
Helix Open the helix log file. [:log-open]
Zed debug: open language server logs
nvim-lspconfig :LspLog nvim-lspconfig Troubleshooting
NeoVim/Vim with CoC :CocCommand workspace.showOutput CoC Debug language server
Emacs with LSP-Mode lsp-workspace-show-log LSP Mode Troubleshooting
Emacs with Eglot M-x eglot-stderr-buffer Troubleshooting Eglot
Kate Bottom Sidebar -> Output

If your code editor or extension is not included in the above table, feel free to open an issue about it or edit this page directly.