New zigtools website

As you may have noticed upon opening this page, a new website has been created, providing up-to-date documentation for ZLS. It is highly recommended to check it out, even if you’ve already set up ZLS previously.

Feature improvements

Better Build On Save (#2096)

The build-on-save implementation has been completely rewritten to leverage Zig’s new File System Watching feature. When combined with Incremental Compilation, which is not yet enabled by default, this allows compile errors to be reported almost immediately after each save. For more details, check out to the ZLS Build-On-Save guide.

Here is a showcase where build-on-save runs the equivalent of zig build check --watch -fincremental within the ZLS codebase:

build on save with incremental compilation enabled

zls env command (#1957)

A new zls env command has been added, similar to zig env, serving the same purpose.

Here is an example of how its output may look like:

 "version": "0.14.0",
 "global_cache_dir": "/home/anon/.cache/zls",
 "global_config_dir": "/etc/xdg",
 "local_config_dir": "/home/anon/.config",
 "config_file": "/home/anon/.config/zls.json",
 "log_file": "/home/anon/.cache/zls/zls.log"

The exact output can be found in the Env struct.

zls.log (#1957)

Log messages are now written to a new zls.log file. Its content is more readable than some editor internal logs and does not require looking up how each editor manages LSP server logs. For more details, check out the logging guide.

configure autofix through editor settings (#2063)

Many editors provide their own settings for code actions on save, often offering a better user experience than relying on the LSP server like ZLS. If you have the “autofix” feature enabled via enable_autofix, you’ll need to update your editor configuration to enable source.fixall code actions instead. For upgrade instructions, check out the Installation Guide and navigate to the relevant documentation for your editor.

hover over character literal (#1991)

Similar to hovering over a number literal, you can now hover over a character literal to view its value in various number systems.

hovering over a character literal

report zon specific compile errors

Thanks to Zig’s new standard library utilities for ZON Parsing and Serialization, .zon files will now display diagnostic messages for syntactically invalid ZON code.

Code action to organize imports (#2051)

A new code action has been added that can organize top-level @import and alias declarations.

Here is an example of how the code action will organize the code:

const std = @import("std");
const Ast = std.zig.Ast;
const Node = Ast.Node;
const full = Ast.full;
const builtin = @import("builtin");

const lsp = @import("lsp");
const types = lsp.types;

const Config = @import("Config.zig");
const offsets = @import("offsets.zig");

This code action can be manually invoked or automatically triggered on save. For more information on how to run this code action on save, check out the Installation Guide and navigate to the relevant documentation for your editor. Be aware that not all editors support this feature.

convert string literal code action (#2097)

New code actions have been added to can convert between multi-line string literals and normal string literals.

progress report on build system (#2141)

ZLS now reports when it is processing a build.zig file to extract build system information. This may be shown in the status indicator of your editor if supported.

removed enable_inlay_hints config option

This feature should be configured through your editor. Refer to the documentation of your editor on how configure this feature.


Here is a list of everyone who has made at least one contribution to this release of ZLS:


We’d like to take a second to thank all our awesome contributors and donators/backers/sponsors; if you have time or money to spare, consider partaking in either of these options - they help keep ZLS awesome for everyone!

OpenCollective Backers

Full Changelog: 0.13.0…0.14.0

Release Artifacts

All files are signed with minisign using this public key:

OS Arch Filename Signature Size
Windows x86_64 minisig 4.18 MiB
Windows aarch64 minisig 3.96 MiB
Windows x86 minisig 4.35 MiB
macOS x86_64 zls-x86_64-macos.tar.xz minisig 1.04 MiB
macOS aarch64 zls-aarch64-macos.tar.xz minisig 906.22 KiB
Linux x86_64 zls-x86_64-linux.tar.xz minisig 3.4 MiB
Linux aarch64 zls-aarch64-linux.tar.xz minisig 3.21 MiB
Linux armv7a zls-armv7a-linux.tar.xz minisig 3.37 MiB
Linux riscv64 zls-riscv64-linux.tar.xz minisig 4.12 MiB
Linux powerpc64le zls-powerpc64le-linux.tar.xz minisig 3.38 MiB
Linux x86 zls-x86-linux.tar.xz minisig 3.44 MiB
Linux loongarch64 zls-loongarch64-linux.tar.xz minisig 3.09 MiB
Wasm WASI zls-wasm32-wasi.tar.xz minisig 2.21 MiB